Monday 6 May 2013

Samui Bike Week

Picture of cool bike during Koh Samui Bike Week
Photo Courtesy

Every May, the resort island of Koh Samui in Thailand comes alive with another offering besides its perennial attractions of sun, sea, sand, and surf. The highlights of Koh Samui activities during this month turn to motorcycles as aficionados of these two-wheeled road denizens seek bragging rights in annual showcase and foster mutual camaraderie in parallel festivities.

Organized by the island’s motorcycle riders club and sponsored by the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Samui Bike Week is more than an exhibition of some of the finest motorbikes from various continents. The revving engines of Harleys, Ducatis, Hondas, and Yamahas, provide interesting counterpoints to band concerts, native delicacies at local food stalls, and a Western, cowboy-inspired extravaganza.

Environmental advocacy

Held annually for several years now, the Samui Bike Week has also taken up an advocacy. Part of the income generated during this event, which is likewise billed as Riding for Peace and Environment, is allocated for the Green Island Project, an endeavour geared towards the sustainable development of tourism in Samui. This pursuit is aligned with private and government sectors’ efforts to preserve the island’s pristine beaches, verdant woodlands, lush greeneries, and crystal clear waters, features that can best be appreciated in one local facility, the ShaSa Resort, at the southern tip of Samui.

The holding of a bike week in the island comes as second nature with Samui being home to several motorcycle clubs whose roots trace back to the early 2000s. Locals and a rich mix of expatriates compose these groups, which besides the organizing Samui Riders MC, include Samui Pirates MC, Dark Knights MC, and the Bandidos MC which also has roots in Phuket and Pattaya. Seven other MCs call Samui their home base as registered with the American Motorcyclists Association.

Living sculptures on the road

The lead stars of the event are, of course, the motorbikes, which have certainly made their presence, felt in Samui, particularly the big machines of the iconic Harley Davidson. Notably, one bike shop in Chaweng has several Harleys which are for rent. The shop, Ohms Cycles Samui, is owned by the Dark Nights’ president, Khun Ohm.

The Samui Bike Week, nonetheless, offers a lot more besides these so-called “hogs” of the road.  The Thai motorcycle enthusiasts are well known for their bike customisation such that the Steeds, Viragos, or Honda Classics to be seen (and heard) during the bike week can be rightfully considered as works of arts, more like mobile sculptures with a life truly their own. 

Sunday 5 May 2013

Koh Samui’s Quaint Children Festival

The Children's Festival in Koh Samui occurs in January every year

Thailand, like most cultures, hold special festivals focused on children, occasions which can best be experienced in one of the country’s top tourist destination Koh Samui. This tourism jewel is located at the Gulf of Thailand, off the country’s east coast. Rightly so, local authorities have made a children’s festival among the Koh Samui attractions, providing additional promotional platform for popular travel facilities like the ShaSa Resort, a preferred destination in the southern end of the island.

For local and foreign tourists alike, it is endearing to witness or be a part of this quaint celebration traditionally held each January. Some local institutions also hold similar celebrations of their own at different times of the year. One thing for sure, there’s unity in the purpose of these events to focus on the importance of inculcating positive values in the minds of children as future leaders in succeeding generations.

Prismatic festival dimension

As to be expected, the children of Koh Samui look forward to this annual event. It is, after all, their day and their chance to be the centre of attention. To their credit, travel and tour operators too have recognised the importance of this celebration and have actively promoted the festival as a come-on for tourists to visit the island. By doing so, a new dimension that is international and character is lent to the festivity in honour of children. On the same breadth, the festival is also a chance for the Thai children to showcase their culture, dressed as they are in traditional garb for this occasion.

Kids with their visiting parents can partake of the various family-oriented activities, which can be enjoyed during the festival. What’s in store for them is a day-long fun of games and entertainment purposively organized not only for camaraderie but also bringing out the talents of children. Hence, the program of activities can include singing and art competitions as well as dancing contests. Social interaction is also fostered through gift-giving and special treats.

Discount privileges are also extended to children, particularly on food, drinks, and entertainment, such as boat rides.

Advocacy for sustainable tourism

It is quite commendable too that some institutions have injected advocacy on the children’s festival lately. One example is the inclusion of environment-consciousness in the celebration organised by the International School of Samui. The event, besides its associated festivities, featured lectures, scientific experiments, and film presentations on the value of preserving the island’s water environment, a pursuit that should help make tourism sustainable for Koh Samui for the benefit of future generations.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Tips for Staying Safe from Crime on the island

Read this blog to learn how to stay safe while on the island

No matter which part of the globe an individual may be, falling victim to crime will always be a risk – regardless of how small or big -- that he or she will face. The management at ShaSa resort has released several safety tips that’ll help its guests significantly decrease their chances of becoming a victim to the most common of crimes, which includes theft.

Those going on Koh Samui shopping sprees or on trips to visit island attractions are advised to keep their valuables on their person or in secured location at their hotels. If they choose to leave their valuables behind, placing it in the room’s safe or at the reception’s safety deposit facility is strongly recommended, as there have been numerous reports on hotel theft in the past.

Tourists riding private buses are also susceptible to theft, especially if the trip lasts overnight. With that in mind, travellers are advised to keep padlocks on their luggage, and keep their most valuable items on their person. To stay extra safe, people should prioritize riding at government designated bus stations only.

The management at ShaSa Resort also warns against accepting food and drink from strangers. Although the act could be taken without malice, there are some men and even women who spike these beverages or edibles with drugs to render their victims unconscious.

There have been several instances in the past where men wake up in random locations without their wallets, phones, and other valuables. Women are advised to play extra cautious when accepting anything from strangers to avoid getting robbed of their personal belongings, or even becoming victims of sexual assault.

Crimes of violence are rarely reported in Samui, but that doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen to tourists during their holidays. With more or less than one million tourists coming to this island every single year, a few of them are bound to run into some sort of trouble. Nonetheless, these dangers can be thwarted by using common sense when mingling with drunken locals at bars, clubs, and isolated areas within the island.

The management of ShaSa Resort recommends keeping these safety tips in mind at or traveling to any location – such as bars, markets, buses, Koh Samui establishments, coffee shops, etc. – within the island to ensure the holiday is enjoyed without having to worry much about unforeseen incidents

Thursday 18 April 2013

Why Tropical Koh Samui Is a Tourist Haven

The island is truly a magnificent tourist haven 

Of the 23 million tourist arrivals that the Association of Thai Travel Agents expects in Thailand in 2013, many would likely find their way in Koh Samui. Indeed there are plenty of things to do and things to see in this island, which is among the three largest in the country. Tourist love going to the island because of its tropical splendour and natural beauty. It is the perfect setting that has created many wonderful vacation memories and stands to create many more.
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that an initial visit to this island can be a viral experience. Its attractions are so enchanting that a Samui vacation may not only be repeated year after year. Such a positive addiction can likewise extend to the visitors’ circle of family, relatives, and friends. The imprint that this island leaves to travellers has become so indelible that not a few of them have in fact chosen to have a permanent base at Koh Samui.

The reasons for the alluring spell that this island has, besides its natural grandeur, are quite evident.  The bounty of the unspoiled natural offerings in Samui is complemented by the relatively affordable cost of a visit there. At the same time, the lifestyle in the island is very well attuned to the Western way of living yet retaining much of the charms of the Orient. With such an unbeatable combination, it comes as no surprise then that a good proportion of those who visit Samui can bear to travel halfway round the world from Europe and the U.S. 

Tourists from the Asian neighbours of Thailand, of course, are likewise drawn by the many lures that Samui has to offer. Both visitors from the East and West can find thrill in partaking of the island’s pristine white beaches and sparkling clear waters. From swimming and snorkelling, visitors’ activities can extend to palm plantation visits, exploration of nearby natural forests, or island-hopping to the nearby Koh Ma, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao. All these come with superb tourist accommodations that were developed to incorporate modern-day conveniences.

The refreshing experience of Samui’s spa resorts further contributes to the island’s lofty stature as a tourist destination in Thailand. In fact, it can be said that spa resorts constitute the trademark for Koh Samui. In these resorts, tourists will not only have the option for a wide variety of treatments. They can likewise find the tranquillity and peace rarely found in bustling tourist enclaves. 

Friday 12 April 2013

Wat Plai Laem

This amazing Buddhist themed artwork is a must see sight

Numerous frequent travellers feel that there’s practically no valid excuse for an individual not to spend a holiday in this tourist destination. Other than the all-year-round mostly pleasant Koh Samui weather conditions, there’s a plethora of things to see throughout the duration of their visit.

Amongst the many awe-inspiring Koh Samui attractions there are to see in this mystical little island, Wat Plai Laem would definitely be worth the time of any traveller interested in seeing unique architectural beauty at its finest. Located at the island’s northeast coast, this Buddhist temple               compound features a massive 18-arm image of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

This establishment showcases beautiful Buddhist-themed art and architecture unlike any other most western tourists have ever seen before. The sophisticated designs of this structure are the handiwork of Jarit Phumdonming – one of Thailand’s most respected artists.  It also offers visitors a glimpse of Chinese-Thai beliefs as well.

Devotees from across the island come to the magnificent temple to pay homage to Guanyin and the Buddha. Images of these two gods are depicted in various murals and statues spread throughout the temple.

Although construction took place much earlier in comparison to some of the older attractions within Samui, the building techniques utilized by the compound’s creators were centuries old, and was based on ancient beliefs.

Guanyin’s depiction with 18 arms describes her ability and willingness to extend help to those who ask for it. She is also said to be protector of all human beings, and is also the source of unconditional love. Females who intend to bear children come to Wat Plai Laem and pray to Guanyin to help them out with the task (because she’s also seen as the goddess of fertility.)

The structure is surrounded by a panoramic lake, which further enhances the compound’s tranquility. In these waters are groups of fish swimming everywhere. In exchange for a small donation, guests will be given a small bag of food, which they can use to feed the amphibians.

This temple truly belongs to the list of Koh Samui attractions, and will definitely serve as a pleasant, long-lasting memory to those who’ve made the trip to see it. Vacationers can plot trips going here during the daytime only. Nonetheless, they won’t have to worry much about bad Koh Samui weather, as it’s nice and warm (instead of rainy) throughout most of the year.